Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Judy is remembered as one of the best neighbors, and role model in our lives. She was strong woman, who was giving, kind, and truly caring. We will miss her voice. As her friend and neighbor, she shared her excitement and stories of fun times with her grandchildren, as well as her plans for the future. She told us of the sewing classes this last summer, and the excitement and future plans to help her granddaughter drive. It is my deep prayer that the grandchildren remember Judy’s love for them, and translate that into good deeds, and loving life. After Richard died she wanted to travel, be with her friends, and spend more time with her grandchildren. Judy glowed and was happy. We are sad to lose her, but happy she was doing what she enjoyed the best; traveling and being part of her granddaughter’s life. Jill Dougherty and family