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Tribute Wall
Myrna Campbell posted a condolence
Monday, April 18, 2022
I would be honored to send a memorial tribute for Sandra Norman, one of the finest ladies I have ever known. I worked closely with Sandra and Robert on various galas and projects at Philbrook, and she always did her job extremely well and with a smile on her beautiful face. I admired the love that was so obvious between Sandra and Robert. I remember her telling me how young she was when they married, which would make some question how long it would last, but they had a devoted and forever love through all of those years together. One of my favorite memories of Sandra was in North Carolina when Doug and Sandra were working on the interior of the house there. She invited me to join them. I got to relax on the porch and walk the grounds leaving me with a more relaxed mind, body, and soul. No wonder she loved that place. Sandra was generous with her time, her talents, her resources, and her love for friends and family. I will miss her. To her family, my heart has been breaking for you over the last few years as you watched Sandra decline due to her horrible disease. I know you wish the lively Sandra was still here, but you also can celebrate that she is no longer suffering and is now singing with the angels. God bless you all, especially Sandra.
Leslie Carr posted a condolence
Monday, April 11, 2022
I worked for the Norman’s at Southwestern Wire Cloth and Sandra was the sweetest person you’d ever want to meet. She adored her family and absolutely was a partner to Bob in every since of the word. That family holds a very dear place in my heart and my condolences go out to Bob, Laura, Julie and Jennifer. Bless you all.
Rick Von Drehle posted a condolence
Wednesday, April 6, 2022
It was Bob and Sandra that encouraged me and my family to move to Tulsa to work in their company. That was 29 years ago. The best decision of my life. We will all miss Sandra a beautiful loving woman who made a difference no matter what she did.
The family of Sandra Joy Brownlee Norman uploaded a photo
Wednesday, April 6, 2022

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