Thursday, April 29, 2010
Mrs. Krueger and family, Please accept my sincere condolences for the passing of Bill. Memories of all he left behind will live on forever. At the Oklahoma Dept. of Libraries in Oklahoma City, I have worked with the First Book/Ready to Learn program for nearly 15 years, and I know full well the tremendous quantity of books that have been placed in the hands of needy children through the Krueger Foundation. In my belief, only now that Bill is in heaven does he get to see the literal impact these books have made. Some of these kids are in college now and can look back at their early schooling and remember with fondness the joy these books had given them. Not only in story, but in holding the books as their own to say, "This is MY book" and with them build a library where one had not before existed. Although reading is a measurable skill, the gift of story, the power of reading is immeasurable and priceless. Bill Krueger's placement of books into empty hands of needy children not only empowers their hearts and minds but also begins the journey to proficient adult reading. Undoubtedly many of "Bill's kids" will pass this onto the next generation. Blessings to Bill and all the joy, all the power he created through the gift of book.