Saturday, August 31, 2019
My favorite aunt with a heart of gold, always laughing, and always saying what was on your mind! A great Christian woman who lived your life following Jesus. You established a high standard for all of us, and oh so fun to be around! When we talked a month ago, you talked about so many things and laughed after each one~~"I want to move back to Ralston and live there until I die. I don't like all of these spots on my body! The kids said I needed to give up my car and not drive anymore. Of course, it was only a little fender bender. And it wasn't even my fault! Honey, whatever you do, never let anyone take your car away." You were laughing the entire time!
You told me you heard Jesus say that the greatest word is LOVE! You lived LOVE, my dear Aunt Minnie Jo. The huge void you left, Aunt Minnie, I will fill with LOVE in memory of you. I already miss you and can't imagine not hearing your voice and laughter again. Thank you for being kind, giving, loving, and fun! Thank you for loving me so much! Good bye with all my LOVE!